Terms and Conditions - La Sierra Furniture

Terms and Conditions

Prices and conditions
The prices published in www.lasierrafurniture.com are final.
Shop 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at www.lasierrafurniture.com. You’ll receive notification immediately after the order is confirmed and when it ships. For changes after an order has been placed, please call Customer Care at 281-495-2822. We accept PayPal, Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover and all major credit cards. Only one credit card will be accepted as we are unable to process an order using two separate credit cards. The prices do not include tax, delivery and assembly. At this time, there are no financing options available for online purchases.

Sales Tax
All merchandise purchases are subject to sales tax in accordance with the current state and local tax rates for the shipping/delivery destination. Estimated Sales Tax is calculated at the time of purchase and is generally based on the total selling price of each item, which, depending on local and state laws, may include discounts and shipping and processing charges. To the extent of any factors affecting the calculation of sales tax change between the time you place an order and the time your credit card is charged, the amount appearing on your order as Estimated Tax may differ from the sales taxes ultimately charged.

At this time, no financing options are available for online purchases.
All furniture financing in store. Visit an La Sierra Furniture store to learn more about other financing options available. Any purchase financing will receive an adjustment the 6.5% and will be displayed on your invoice.
Other exclusions and restrictions may apply.
Tax and delivery cannot be financed. A credit card, check or cash must be entered to pay for tax & delivery.

Effective Date: March 16, 2015